Alternative Healing Options in Tucson, AZ

Do You Need A Mood Lifter?
My name is Juliana Ashe. I have offered alternative therapies to relieve stress and pain for over 15 years. I am truly Your Mood Lifter in Tucson.
My purpose here is to offer and extend~ light. To assist you in consciously connecting with your field of energy and your natural ability to emanate light, I do so in a heart-centered meditative state allowing you to feel the broader field of expanded awareness that you truly are. My sessions, assists you in ‘holding’ new patterns of intent, to relieve, stress, pain, trauma, emotional grief, even depression and anxiety.
As a professional cosmetologist for more than 20 years, the one common thread in the thousands of people who have come to see me, is that we all experience discomfort at times, which can become chronic if stress, injury or disease related. If you are looking for natural healing therapies in Tucson, I can help to lift your mood, relieve stress and offer body/mind pain relief. Please see my Services page and check out my Specials in the More section at top of page.
I am an empath. An empath feels the emotion or pain of others despite the fact that they themselves are not going through the same situation. As an empath, I have a gift for utilizing energetic patterns of light to relieve suffering. I also frequently get impressions or internal guidance about a person’s life situation.
My method for clearing unbalanced patterns has been developed over many years of meditation and yoga. Many people use various modes of alternative healing and are familiar with Reiki. This word is of Japanese origin and literally means ‘universal life energy.’ What I do is similar to this.
We have the ability to lift our mood and heal our own bodies and and yet, sometimes this needs first, to be facilitated by a practitioner who is able to activate the natural healing process of the patient. Most of us have busy lives which often do not include forms of stress reduction and relaxation. Drug and alcohol relaxation is not long lasting.
To truly relax, one needs to be able to feel calm and centered. To be calm and centered one needs to connect with the heart. The heart center is more than what pumps the blood through your veins. Both your heart, and the Greater Heart, is the home of peace.
Lower vibrational frequencies, which we are all continuously attempting to transform or rise up, can be transcended easily, once the desire, intention, focus and direction of both the one seeking as well as the practitioner, are in alignment.
We are all continuously infected, almost as a virus does on our computers, by negative energies, which can come from anything from minor frustration to full blown emotional attachment to outcomes which are not manifesting in the way we had desired. To be in alignment with our Greater SELF, [shared electromagnetic life frequency] or with any field of energy which can increase and expand our Life Stream, we must open our mind to a more whole-some approach to well-being.
We have the choice of how we react or respond to life situations. In the face of what would seem the most powerful negativity, we can choose a peaceful response and have an entirely different outcome. I am the living testimony of this. What can seem like an insurmountable adversity, can be overcome through conscious choice and action.
I have an abundance of energy and information…for those who want to continue to hold the greater frequential fields of conscious awareness, to enrich their lives. We are already doing this, consciously or unconsciously, I am simply speeding up the connection process, which can, for some, take lifetimes of integration.
Thirty minutes with me can relieve your stress and assist you in regaining a sense of balance. I am able to relieve both emotional and physical pain which lifts your mood and your spirit. My method is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. With movement of this spiritual energy, I restore alignment with your natural ability to regain balance so you can feel calm and clear.
Every person is unique. You may need only one session to feel free of stress. Chronic pain may take a few sessions to allow your body stress to subside, which I suggest be done once a week for a few sessions until you feel the issue has been resolved. Allowing at least a few days between appointments allows you to realign with the new pattern of well-being.
If you are not located in Tucson, AZ, I also do long distance energy work. You may send me a picture in an email. I will do a session with you by meditating with your picture and the intention of sending energy to you for whatever you are needing relief from, be it stress or body related. I look forward to meeting or hearing from you to offer you the peaceful re-balancing you need. [Scroll down to the bottom for contact us info.]
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